We have recently published volume 18 in the e-book series Uppsala Studies in Church History: Andreas Mazetti Petersson (ed.), Antonio Possevino’s Writings, Vol. II: Interdict Texts (1606-1607). The book consists of five texts in Italian written by or addressed to Jesuit Antonio Possevino (1533–1611) regarding the so-called Interdict Controversy of 1606 and 1607, which followed Pope Paul V placing an interdict on the Republic of Venice. The consequences were immediately felt since no sacraments could be administered within the confines of Venice’s vast territory. In response to the Interdict, the Venetian authorities expelled the members of the Society of Jesus, along with Theatines and Capuchins.

One aspect of the Controversy was the Guerra delle scritture (the War of Writings), in which several authors defended either the Holy See’s position or that of the Republic of Venice. Possevino was one of the most prolific writers who defended papal authority.

The five texts published in the volume are:

  1. Lettera del Padre Antonio Possevino Giesuita al Padre Marc’Antonio Capello, minor Conventuale, con la risposta di detto padre.
  2. Risposta d’un Dottore in Theologia ad una lettera scrittagli da un Reverendo suo Amico, Sopra il Breve di Censure dalla Santità di Papa Paolo V. publicate contro li Signori Venetiani. Et sopra la nullità di dette Censure, cavata dalla sacra Scrittura, dalli Santi Padri, & da altri Catolici Dottori.
  3. Le Mentite Filoteane overo Invettiva di Giovanni Filoteo d’Asti. Contra la Republica Serenissima di Venetia, Confutata da Fulgentio Tomaselli, filosofo Albanese chiamato aliàs il Capelletto, à favore della istessa Serenissma Republica.
  4. Risposta di Teodoro Eugenio di Famagosta all’avviso mandato fuori dal Signore Antonio Quirino Senatore Veneto, circa le ragioni, che hanno mosso la Santità di Paolo V. Pontefice à publicare l’Interdetto sopra tutto il Dominio Vinitiano.
  5. Risposta del Sig. Paolo Anafesto all’avviso del Sig. Antonio Quirino, Nobili Venetiani, circa la scommunica della santità di Papa Paolo V contro il Duce, & Senato di Venetia

Here, you may download the book.

About the Series

In 2017, the Department of Theology at Uppsala University launched a new open-access book series: Uppsala Studies in Church History. To date (April 2024), we have published 18 volumes: nine in English and nine in Swedish. The titles focus on both Swedish and international themes.

Uppsala Studies in Church History is an e-book series published by the Department of Theology at Uppsala University. It includes works in English and Swedish. The volumes are open-access and only published in digital form on http://www.diva-portal.org.

Uppsala Studies in Church History är en skriftserie som utges vid Teologiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet. Serien innehåller arbeten på såväl svenska som engelska. Skrifterna i serien är fritt tillgängliga och utges endast i digital form på http://www.diva-portal.org.

Click on the hyperlinks below to get access to the full texts.

  1. Lundberg, Magnus. A Pope of Their Own: Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church. 2017.
  2. Hansson, Klas. Mottagning av ärkebiskop: Från tillträde i enkelhet till offentlig pompa.
  3. Andersson, Patrik. En katolsk Ansgar för en katolsk kyrka: Ansgar- jubileer och historiebruk, 1920­­–1930. 2017.
  4. Mazetti Petersson, Andreas. Antonio Possevino’s Nuova Risposta: Papal Power, Historiography and the Venetian Interdict Crisis, 1606–1607. 2017.
  5. Lundberg, Magnus. Tomás Ruiz: Utbildning, karriär och konflikter i den sena kolonialtidens Centralamerika2017.
  6. Cadavid Yani, Helwi M. A Colombian Nun and the Love of God and Neighbour: The Spiritual Path of María de Jesús (1690s-1776), 2018.
  7. Lundberg, Magnus & James W. Craig. Giuseppe Maria Abbate: The Italian-American Celestial Messenger, 2018.
  8. Forsell, Gustaf. Race and Liberal Theology: Sveriges Religiösa Reformförbund in Interwar Sweden, 2019.
  9. Hahr Kamienski, Helena, Kristen lärare i rabbinsk tradition: Om Henrik Steen och Svenska Israelmissionen, 2019.
  10. Hansson, Klas. Folklig protest och partipolitik: Kyrkornas Påskupprop för en humanare flyktingpolitik, 2019.
  11. Lundberg, Magnus. A Pope of Their Own: Palmar de Troya and the Palmarian Church. 2nd edition. 2020.
  12. Hansson, Per. Befogenhetsprövningar i Svenska kyrkan: Ett spel för galleriet? 2021.
  13. Grenholm, Micael.Enemy Love and Apocalyptic Genocide: Views on Military Violence and Pacifism Among Swedish Pentecostals 1967–1971 2022.
  14. Hansson, Klas Principer och praktik: Lekfolkets ansvar och makt i Svenska kyrkans församlingar 1930–2000. 2023.
  15. Lind, Hanna, “Vi bedja om väckelse”: Identitet hos sju EFS-föreningar i pitebygden under 1950-talet. 2023.
  16. Lundberg, Magnus. Är Påven katolik? Traditionalistiska variationer på ett tema, 2024
  17. Mazetti Petersson, Andreas (ed.). Antonio Possevino’s Writings, Vol. I: Apparato All’Historia (1598), 2024.
  18. Mazetti Petersson, Andreas (ed.). Antonio Possevino’s Writings, Vol II: Interdict Texts (1606-1607), 2024.

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