On June 10, 2018, began a new, bizarre chapter in the history of the Palmarian Catholic Church. The Palmarian ex-pope Ginés Jesús Hernández (earlier known as Gregory XVIII) and his wife, Nieves Triviño climbed over the high walls of the church compound at Palmar de Troya.

They were masked and armed, apparently planning to rob the cathedral, but were discovered by a Palmarian bishop who was outside the basilica. According to testimonies, Hernández threatened Bishop S with a knife. However, in the subsequent fight, Hernández was severely injured, while S and Nieves Triviño got less serious physical injuries.

It was on April 22, 2016, Gregory XVIII (sed. 2011-2016) resigned from the Palmarian papacy. He later claimed that he had lost the faith and that the whole church was a hoax. He left to live with Nieves Triviño, whom he later married. For details, see my book A Pope of Their Own.

Here is a description of the events from June 10, 2018, onwards.

June 10: At 6 PM Ginés Jesús Hernández (hereafter GH) and Nieves Triviño (NT) climbed over the four-meter wall and entered into the church compound at Palmar de Troya. It was the Mass hour and most friars, nuns and lay members were inside the cathedral. GH and NT were masked and armed with at least one knife. They also carried equipment that could be used to open doors and locks.

While in the church compound, they were discovered by a Palmarian bishop (S). GH attacked, or at least threatened S with a knife and in the subsequent tumult, GH, NT, and S were all injured. While the two latter received minor damages, GH was stabbed in the chest.

Hearing the noise outside the temple, other church members came to the assistance and they called police and ambulance. GH was transported by helicopter to the Virgen de Rocío hospital. NT and S were brought to the hospital in ambulances.

June 11: GH’s condition was stabilized, but he remained at the emergency room.

Members of the Civil Guard brought NT from the hospital to custody and a Utrera judge decided to arrest her. She was interrogated for five hours. Bishop S was also interrogated by the police.

June 12: The Utrera judge decided to prolong the arrest of NT for attempted armed robbery and attempted homicide. GH was still at the hospital and kept under police surveillance.

June 13: GH left the hospital and was arrested. By now, the court had dropped the charge of attempted homicide, but both GH and NT were accused of “armed robbery with aggravating circumstances”. After the proceedings, GH was brought to the Sevilla-I prison and NT was brought to the Alcalá de Guadaíra women prison.

Links to news media:

El antiguo Papa del Palmar de Troya, herido grave tras intentar volver a la iglesia

El ex papa del Palmar de Troya y su mujer intentaban robar en la Basílica

Detenido el ex papa del Palmar de Troya: La Mata Hari del Palmar

Un papa entre rejas

El ‘expapa’ de El Palmar de Troya, a prisión por robo en su antigua basílica

Navaja en mano, el expapa Ginés volvió al Palmar y acabó acusado de intento de homicidio

Prisión sin fianza para el expapa de El Palmar y su pareja por presunto intento de robo con violencia

El ex «papa» de El Palmar de Troya y su mujer, acusados de robo con violencia e intento de homicidio en grado de tentativa

durante el tiempo que estuve allí

Reyerta a puñaladas entre el ex papa de El Palmar de Troya, su mujer y un cura

Diario de Sevilla, tag: Palmar de Troya

El Palmar de Troya: un exorcismo y 48 Padrenuestros

Palmarian Church: Prison for the ex-Pope of Palmar de Troya and his wife

La ‘Mata Hari’ del Palmar de Troya

Territorio Negro: Crónica negra del Palmar de Troya

De papa a atracador (con su novia)

Territorio Negro: Crónica negra del Palmar de Troya

El Papa “franquista” que se fue denunciando “un montaje” y que vuelve para robar en su antiguo templo

El recorrido literario de Dan Brown por la basílica y el fenómeno de El Palmar de Troya

Palmarian Church – Iglesia Palmariana: Information Site

Palmarians: Ex – Pope, Gregorio XVIII aka Ginés Jesús Hernández, caught trespassing with his wife by a priest in a botched robbery at the Basilica. All three injured with a knife.

Palmarian Church: Prison for the ex-Pope of Palmar de Troya and his wife

Palmarians: Former Bishop ‘Michael’ explains the latest news from Spain.

Dialogue Ireland’s posts on the Palmarian Church

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